
Our school is well equipped with a range of technological devices that aim at nurturing curious children to become creative contributors and innovative problem solvers for a changing world. Our teachers and devices are instrumental in providing the students with engaging authentic learning experiences.

Each classroom is equipped with a digital screen that is used every day to enhance and support the learning taking place. We also use the latest technology of wireless screen mirroring, Vivi, that enhances collaboration, control, and creativity.

In addition to this, we host and facilitate a technology enrichment day, TechMatics Day, once a semester for selected students in stage 2 and stage 3. These days aim to extend learning outcomes for students by allowing them to develop and utilise their expertise in the usage and functionality of technology and in problem solving. This day is offered to other Diocese of Broken Bay schools on the Central Coast to allow collaboration. Students work in small groups to question, explore and problem solve using technology whilst developing an awareness and appreciation for how using technology can enhance their own learning.


Technological Devices

We currently use a range of devices within the classroom for students to enhance their learning, including iPads (Kindergarten to Year 3) and Chromebooks (Year 4 to Year 6). Our Kindergarten classrooms have a 1 to 2 school-owned device ratio and our Year 1 – Year 6 classrooms have a 1 to 1 school-owned device ratio that enables students to easily access, share and present their work.

We currently use additional technology for specific purposes, including, Spheros, Microbits, Beebots and Lego Robotics.


Technological Lessons

At St Cecilia’s, our commitment to nurturing curious children to become creative contributors and innovative problem solvers for a changing world is evident with our engagement with an external company, CODE4FUN. Years 4, 5 and 6 engage in 1 hour of coding lessons each a week. During this time, students are exposed to learning three programming languages: Scratch, Java simplified (Via Processing) and Python. The students learn block code and the fundamentals concepts in computer programming.

During the year, each class engages in lessons specifically designed and facilitated by our student Digital Leaders. Students create the purpose of the lesson with guidance from the Digital Pedagogical Coordinating teacher and then teach this lesson to younger students. Their lessons are engaging, creative and enhance students’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

At St Cecilia’s we acknowledge and appreciate the positive impact that using technology effectively within the classroom can have on the children’s learning and its ability to challenge and extend the learning taking place within the classroom.